About AA

Alcoholics Anonymous practices a singleness of purpose, and that is to carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers.

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of people who experienced a problem with drinking. It is completely nonprofessional, informal, self-supported, apolitical, diverse, and worldwide. There is no requirement for AA membership and there are no dues or fees. Anyone who believes they may have an alcohol problem is free to join the fellowship. There are no forms to sign, no attendance to take, and no declarations of allegiance to be made.

“Our membership ought to include all who suffer from alcoholism. Hence we may refuse none who wish to recover. Nor ought AA membership ever depend on money or conformity. Any two or three alcoholics gathered together for sobriety may call themselves an AA group, provided that, as a group, they have no other affiliation.”

Third Tradition, Long Form, 1946

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

There are Alcoholics Anonymous meetings all over the world in dozens of languages and millions of attendees. Here in Buenos Aires, Argentina there are Spanish meetings and English meetings. This webpage is dedicated to providing information on the English speaking meetings in Buenos Aires. If you would like to find out about Spanish meetings in Argentina, please visit the General Service Office Argentina site.


As this Covid-19 pandemic changes and regulations go from restricted to eased and back to restricted again, we are keeping up by constantly re-evaluating how many meetings we can hold (and where), please check this page frequently for updates or email us.

As of OCTOBER 2024, we now have 4 in person meetings each week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. All other meetings are online meetings via Zoom.

In Person Meeting Schedule

Serenity Group:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Living Sober:


We have a room upstairs with 2 windows for better ventilation. Masks, the use of hand gel, and social distancing will be encouraged or required depending on public health requirements.


Serenity Group



Serenity Group



Serenity Group



Living Sober


Meeting Location

Recoleta Church

Montevideo 1372


Iglesia Esclavas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (Sister Servants of the Sacred Heart)

Please note that nuns live here, so we ask that you keep noise to a minimum when entering and leaving the meeting.

Kindly take notice that the entrance to the meetings is the door on the right side of the Church. The room for our meetings is upstairs. Each member will be buzzed in by a receptionist behind a glass wall. Tell her you are going to the English AA meeting.

Go down the hallway and up the first flight of stairs, and find our meeting room on the left.

On Argentine National Holidays meetings will begin at 6:45pm and end at 7:45pm, we must vacate the room at 8PM promptly.

Online Meeting Schedule

Meetings held on Zoom.

Serenity Group:

Tuesday & Thursday, 7pm-8pm
ID: 392 319 4621
PW: baenglish

Women's Meeting:

Friday, 11:30am-12:30pm
ID: 861 6635 5213
PW: 202777

The Serenity Group invites people to attend our Informal zoom meetups where the participants can have fellowship discussions or conduct a meeting with a volunteer secretary on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday at 7pm) using the Serenity Group meeting link: 392 319 4621 passcode: baenglish


Serenity Group - 7pm

ID: 392 319 4621
PW: baenglish

Topic: Step Series


Serenity Group - 7pm

ID: 392 319 4621
PW: baenglish

Topic: 12 by 12


Women's Meeting - 11:30am

861 6635 5213
PW: 655098

Topic: Women's Way

How to Zoom?

Zoom is a platform that allows people to have virtual meetings, calls, and other group events all online. If you don't know how to zoom, no problem! Just click the link below and read a "How To" on their website.

*Please note that AA is not affiliated in anyway with Zoom, we just have found it to be an effective tool to connect and have meetings online.

Contact Us


email: englishaabuenosaires@gmail.com

If you need a contact for people while in Buenos Aires, please email the above address and one will be provided for you. You should receive a reply within 24-48 hours of sending us an email. We try to respond as quickly as possible to all messages.


email: womensaabuenosaires@gmail.com

Hi ladies (and folks not identifying as cis-men) far and near! We are hosting our women’s meeting on Zoom (sometimes also in person as a dual meeting), and so we have the spectacular opportunity to invite all of you that have ever been in BA and at our meeting to re-visit 🙂 Hope to see you there!